The Great Greenland Rare Earth Hoax

I’ve been hearing about Greenland for 15 years. 

I remember uninformed newsletter gurus pitching it as the next great source of rare earth metals since at least 2012. 

It’s now back in the news as Trump muses about annexing it. 

Now, the hot takes are too numerous to ignore. 

Greenland has been in my inbox way too much lately. 

To set the record straight: Green produces precisely ZERO rare earths. 

It does have several large rare earth deposits. But that’s about where the excitement ends for any metal investor with more than two brain cells to rub together. The mineralogy (look it up, or don't) on them is very difficult, meaning any eventual extraction would be energy-intensive and dirty. And that’s if any development actually gets approved, which would take at least a decade with a half-full glass. 

Greenland is for gooners. 

What’s a gooner? I’ve been seeing the pejorative term used increasingly on the social medias. Wiktionary told me it’s “An individual who practices gooning (a form of masturbation that involves edging for a long period of time, causing a hypnotic, trance-like state).”

Those with a hard-on are going to be on edge for some time to come, I’m afraid. 

Likely the same in Ukraine, which was in the news this week for its rare earth deposit. Trump said he wanted to do a deal with them in exchange for support in the war against Russia. 

Like Greenland, Ukraine currently does not have any commercially operating rare earth mines.

Even if a deal gets done, you think you’re gonna invest in Ukrainian rare earths? If so, I’ve got a bridge to Kirovohradshchyna to sell you. 

As an allocator of capital in the early-stage mining sector, I sell most headlines. They’re usually for gooners. 

Want to invest in viable rare earth production and exploration? 

Check out MP Materials (NYSE: MP), a $4 billion US operation with production in California and processing in Texas. We owned it last year in Foundational Profits and recently sold it for a 30% win. 

What about quality exploration and alternative production? 

We know a bit about that, too. 

In fact, some of Gerardo’s earliest and biggest wins in the resource space came during the rare earth boom of 2010 with companies like Rare Earth Elements and Quest Rare Minerals. 

And in Private Placement Intel, we recently financed a company at the feasibility stage for a rare earth recycling project here in the US that will likely get State Department funding and be in production next year. 

We focus on real projects run by real people for real investors. Not gooners. 

We have invested — and made — millions of dollars for ourselves and clients by financing quality early-stage resource plays. 

If you’re interested in doing that alongside us, we’re holding a free informational webinar next Wednesday about how to do that via private placement. 

It’s called Direct Investing: Buying Shares Privately.

And Gerardo and I will spell out what we look for when investing in these deals, and reveal the next few opportunities we’re looking at that you can invest in beside us. 

There will be no Ukrainian deals, no Greenland, and no gooning. 

Wednesday, February 12th at 12pm ET. We’ll send you an email with a link to join before it starts.

Call it like you see it,

Nick Hodge

Nick Hodge
Publisher, Daily Profit Cycle