Jimmy Mengel,
Director of Customer Experience
Oct. 1, 2024
“All hell is going to break loose.”
That’s what inspector Jim Creswell told investigators on what was supposed to be his day off…
Creswell traveled from Chicago and arrived in Washington, D.C. on March 22nd, 1979. His mission was to address the Nuclear Regulatory Commission – the one that monitors the nation’s nuclear power plants.
He had been very worried about water pump problems at the Ohio Davis-Besse reactor way back in 1977. Creswell believed he had found a major design flaw in nine other plants – including the infamous Three Mile Island – that could lead to catastrophic meltdowns.
Creswell could not get the NRC panel or his own superiors to respond to his warnings. Despite those warnings, "The Three Mile Island Accident” was but six days away. All he got from his appearance was a bad performance review. On March 28, his prediction came true as the fuel melted in one of two nuclear reactors on Three Mile Island.
It led to a chain reaction of equipment failures and human errors, finally culminating in a massive explosion of hydrogen gas inside the reactor. It was a big deal, as some of you might remember.
Long story short, it is still the biggest nuclear disaster in American history and almost killed the industry forever.
How It’s STILL Possible To
Make A Million With A Single Stock
There’s a nuclear ‘melt-up’ happening right now.
During the last melt-up, there were TWO profit opportunities that literally enabled investors to become ‘one-stock millionaires’ with more than 1,000-times-your-money returns.

It’s incredible to think that Paladin Energy gave early investors the chance to make over 1,300-times their money…
That’s enough to turn $1,000 into over $1.3 million. Even a paltry $100 investment could have handed you a $130,000 payday.
And today, you have the same kind of profit potential during this nuclear melt-up. For the full story, and new research on the Uranium stocks to buy – GO HERE.
At the time, nuclear power was at once the most impressive and the most destructive force ever imagined. It harnessed the immense power of God and the Devil – all at once – depending on your perspective.
At Three Mile Island that day it was hell on Earth. Or so you would have thought. In actuality, no one was killed and the area was spared from any massive fallout. While some radioactive gas escaped a few days after the accident, it wasn’t enough to cause any danger to residents near the site.
But there was a chilling effect that cast a cloud over nuclear power for decades.
We’ve seen much worse nuclear disasters since then – Chernobyl and Fukushima immediately come to mind. Of course, as the old adage goes, “If it bleeds, it leads” and the idea of atomic energy bringing the world to its knees was easy to embellish.
But in reality, it still remains the safest and most efficient way to provide clean power. Times change and clearer perspectives begin to come into view.
Consider this, from Our World In Data:
“Nuclear energy results in 99.9% fewer deaths than brown coal, 99.8% fewer than coal, 99.7% fewer than oil, and 97.6% fewer than gas.”
When you get into the 90th-percentile of anything there is an absolute disconnect between danger and daily life.
In short, all of these nuclear disasters were not total catastrophes. It was a necessary evolution for the power source that has become the crucial energy we need for modern-day lives. What would have been the death knell for the nuclear industry turned out to be a mild harbinger for the revolution of safe, clean power.
Today, decades after the worst nuclear disaster in American history, Three Mile Island is about to fire back up.
In a deal to sell power to Microsoft – mostly for their massive AI projects – Constellation Energy has agreed to a 20-year deal that will restart the Unit 1 reactor, "which operated at industry-leading levels of safety and reliability for decades before being shut down for economic reasons exactly five years ago today", according to the company’s statement.
The reactor will be online in 2028 if approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It most assuredly will be.
If you can fire up a plant with that kind of emotional and historical baggage, imagine the many other dormant plants that could come online in the years to follow.
These developments confirm our belief that nuclear power will be the biggest winner in the fight for clean and affordable energy. And it could send investors a windfall as the industry fights for uranium to power those reactors.
And that, my investor friend, is what we have our eyes on.
President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act sported $369 billion in climate provisions, including:
- Production tax credits for existing nuclear reactors
- Incentives to bring next-generation reactors online
- $700 million to support the domestic supply chain for high-assay low-enriched uranium
That sounds great on paper, but here’s where the rubber meets the road…
Globally, the world needs about 200 million pounds of uranium each year. But current production is only around 160 million pounds.
That means there is already an annual supply shortage of around 40 million pounds.
Countries around the world are planning to throw billions of dollars at this problem and are committing themselves to mine more uranium as soon as possible. That means
more money for mining companies and more money for uranium company investors like us.
Uranium is the world’s biggest source of clean energy – it’s bigger than solar, wind, geothermal, and every other renewable energy source combined. More than 20 nations, including the United States, France, Japan and the UK, made a significant commitment to triple global nuclear energy generation by 2050.
That trend is our friend as the world seeks to cut down on carbon emissions.
Enter Mr. Gerardo Del Real…
He’s made fortunes for readers in this exact space, and is primed to do it again. He’s not talking about nuclear melt-downs, he’s looking forward to nuclear melt-ups.
Uranium stocks have the potential to generate massive fortunes for investors in a short period of time during this current nuclear melt-up. As the nuclear melt-up continues and uranium prices surge to $200 a pound, investors will be paying much more attention to uranium mining companies – driving stock prices through the roof.
Two Stock Ideas
The Foundational Profits September issue is out and with recent world events, this could be the most important issue of the year.
I put together a simple 4 minute video breaking down everything you can expect to find in the issue, including two new stock recommendations.
The video is 100% free and I implore you to take a few minutes of your time and give it a watch.
All you have to do is click this link. The video will be at the top of the next page.
You can get your hands on Gerardo’s top three picks in his new research report: Nuclear Melt Up: Three Uranium Stocks That Could Make Investors A Fortune. It’s not hyperbole. Here’s the rundown:
- During the last nuclear melt-up, one stock went from 16-cents… to nearly $7.50 – for a gain of 4,587% in only two years. This time around, it’s even better positioned, which is why Gerardo thinks it can deliver even better returns in this market cycle.
- In late March of 2024, the company announced the most significant exploration program to date targeting Canada’s most prospective regions for high-grade uranium discovery.
- A small mining company that could quickly go from being worth a few bucks to hundreds of dollars within just weeks.
That’s why he recently recommended it to his readers of Junior Resource Monthly while it trades below a dollar per share.
We’re not buying these tiny uranium explorers to just double our money. We’re in it to make many multiples, like the one-stock millionaire gains that uranium stocks are known for.
If you’re ready to turn fear into fortunes, look no further.
Jimmy Mengel
Director of Customer Experience, Daily Profit Cycle