Nick Hodge,
Jan. 28, 2025
You can find anything you want on the internet.
Seriously, think of any phrase and then Google it.
‘Frog riding a bull.’
Bam. There it is. Clip art of it. AI image of it.
Did you want a frog that looks like a bull? They have that.
A t-shirt of a frog riding a bull? Done. Get the duvet cover, too.

It’s not like this with investments.
Or at least it wasn’t, until recently.
You can’t buy stock in ‘frog riding a bull.’ Because an idea can’t meet the listing requirements and costs that stock exchanges demand. Even those of the OTC and CSE.
‘Frog riding a bull’ would have a laughable prospectus. And I doubt any Ivy-bred management teams would lend it their name.
But crypto changes that.
You can certainly have a ‘frog riding a bull’ memecoin.
Exchange? Nah, we’re decentralized, baby.
Prospectus? A what now?
Credible leadership? We don’t even know who Satoshi is. Bitcoin could be a CIA psyop.
And yet, crypto can do the thing that all winning teams can when they’re scoffed at by losers. They can point at the scoreboard.
Bitcoin is up more than 1,000,000% since surging onto the scene over a decade ago. It makes the record-setting S&P 500 not even register on the chart.

People pay to go to business school and get acronyms behind their name only to underperform those who simply added laser eyes to their profile pics.
Headline reads:
Thadley Q. Butemeiler, CFP, ESQ, MBA, CFA, CPA, CLU
Kills Self After Missing Out on CurlyPubeCoin
That’s called black humor. And it’d be funnier if it weren’t actually happening.
Fartcoin was launched last October. By this January it had a $2.33 billion market cap.
Official Trump was launched on January 17. And it had a $14.75 billion market cap two days later.
Have you dabbled yet?
Of course you haven’t. This shit is wild. More than half of it doesn’t make sense. Some of the names seem made up.
That’s because they are.
But it’s just something new to learn. What is a Square? Or a Chubb?
And for you old heads who remember gold stocks in the 1960s… cryptos are no different today. When James Dines started recommending gold stocks back then, they were all but illegal to own and ostracized by Wall Street. You had to have a broker buy them in South Africa or Australia.
That’s the same as opening an account on PancakeSwap to buy some Altura today.
You picking up what I’m putting down?
Does any of this make sense to you?
Me either.
But I made it a point to learn. I found someone who knew what the hell they were doing by learning hands-on, and I paid them to teach me.
I now have bitcoin on a hard wallet stored off-exchange, as secure as the American Eagles next to the guns in my safe.
I have purchased a few crypto-adjacent stocks and ETFs.
And already more than tripled my money on the $50,000 I gave Chris to play with over at Crypto Cycle.
His Crypto-U educational series over there is now up to 28 entries. There are video tutorials and reports on everything from “What is a blockchain?” to “Setting Up Phantom Wallet.”
There is a lot of crap to be sure. But Chris helps you avoid that as well.
It’s time you at least learned the basics of crypto.
We don’t want you to end up like Thadley Q. Butemeiler.
That’s why we’re offering a free trial of Crypto Cycle for you to get started now.
Call it like you see it,
Nick Hodge
Publisher, Daily Profit Cycle