Nick Hodge,
July 16, 2024
Editor’s Note: There’s nothing quite like a silver bull run. It’s now over $30 per ounce and silver stocks are breaking out to 52-week highs. I have been involved in a private silver miner for years that has been waiting for the right moment to IPO. That moment is now. You can participate in the IPO for 30-cents per share, which I believe will look extremely cheap in retrospect. This train won’t wait. The offer closes July 23rd. Details here.
We first alerted readers about the upcoming nuclear and uranium stock bull market back in 2021.
We released a special video presentation like this one with a headline that read: “This Yellow Metal (Not Gold) Could Make You A Millionaire By 2025.”
At the time, uranium was beginning to emerge from a decade-log bear market initiated by the Fukushima event in 2011. By the late 2010s it had become clear that the world had no other choice but to use nuclear to meet its clean energy and emissions goals, and that uranium prices had to rise.
The bull case we outlined for you in that first 2021 video went like this:
The United States is the largest consumer and importer of uranium in the world.
Right now, two-thirds of our clean energy consumption comes from nuclear energy. And as I’ll share in a bit — we’re planning to dramatically increase our nuclear energy use in the coming years. However, here’s the issue (and where this profit opportunity comes into play)…
The US is almost entirely dependent on foreign imports for Uranium. You see, back in 1980, Uranium was 100% “Made in America.” We mined it… refined it… and used it to power our country. But today, less than 5% of our Uranium comes from American sources.
Now, consider this…
We consume 50 million pounds of Uranium each year, but less than one million pounds come from American sources. So to meet our demand, we IMPORT a whopping 48 million pounds each year. (Insert pie chart showing consumption of 50 million pounds vs. production of 2 million pounds)That’s 30% of the world’s supply of Uranium… each and every year! Plus, our biggest suppliers are Russia and its satellite states Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan — who collectively supply almost HALF of our Uranium needs. And if you’ve seen the increased tensions between the US and Russia on the news lately… Then you know that relying on Russia and its satellite states for “keeping our lights on” is NOT a good position for us to be in now… or at any time!
Those words turned out to be prophetic and profitable.

The U.S. has continued to rely on and accept nuclear energy since then. It has received increasing bipartisan support and dollars.
Of course, in February of 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, which sent uranium prices over $60 per pound and ultimately led to the banning of Russian uranium imports by Congress.
By 2023 it was clear that a new long-term uranium bull market was underway and was gearing up for the next leg higher. And in Q1 of that year we released this video in which Gerardo called for uranium to surge to $200 during a sustained uranium bull market.
That video was also prophetic and profitable, as uranium surged to $85 to end 2023 and above to start 2024.

Now the nuclear renaissance and uranium bull market is firmly underway.
At the recent United Nations COP28 climate conference in Dubai, more than 20 nations, including the United States, France, Japan and the UK, made a significant commitment to triple global nuclear energy generation by 2050.
And those who followed our advice on uranium stocks the past few years have made some great portfolio returns, including: 148% gains… 234% gains… and 438% gains.
But we’re not done yet… because we’ve only scratched the surface when it comes to the profit potential of this nuclear melt-up.
Everything we’ve been saying about nuclear and uranium for years is now coming to fruition.
For example, in our last presentation, we covered how the US government was going to fast-track uranium production.
Since then, the government implemented nuclear and uranium incentives that were made law upon the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act.
That bill had $369 billion in climate provisions, including:
- Production tax credits for existing nuclear reactors
- Incentives to bring next-generation reactors online
- $700 million to support the domestic supply chain for high-assay low-enriched uranium
Plus, we mentioned our #1 uranium stock pick that everyone should own.
The company’s name is Uranium Energy Company (NYSE: UEC) and is what we call a ‘blue chip uranium company.’
In May of 2023, our readers had the opportunity to buy shares at $2.37 and in less than a year, they were able to watch share prices soar to $8.20.
That’s a fast 246% gain… allowing them to more than triple their money.
And our research shows there is still plenty of room for that stock to run.
Natural Resource Expert’s Newest Prediction:
BUY These 3 Uranium Stocks Today
Uranium bulls are on the run as we enter a new PEAK cycle!
And as Uranium prices surge to all-time highs of $200/pound as you’ll see in Gerardo Del Real’s newest investor research report…
Tiny Uranium mining companies could provide you with life-changing investment gains.
We’re talking about the opportunity to make 100-… 300-… up to 1,000-times your money or more, just like investors had the chance to during Uranium’s last PEAK cycle.
Discover the three Uranium producing companies he’s recommending to his readers that could generate extreme fortunes for you in the months to come…
Just look at Paladin Energy during the last nuclear melt-up, as it provided 130,400% gains to investors…
…Which only goes to show that UEC’s stock tripling is great… but it still has a long way to go to match the gains in previous bull markets.
And here’s the best part about the ongoing nuclear melt-up in the event you haven’t seen our research, or saw it and forgot to act on our recommendations.
You still have the chance to turn $1,000 or even $100 into a substantial payday during this nuclear melt-up that is happening right now with the uranium stocks we outline in this uranium stock research presentation.
Call it like you see it,
Nick Hodge
Publisher, Daily Profit Cycle