Gerardo Del Real,
Jan. 15, 2025
Do you believe in magic?
I ask because, clearly, the Fed and the powers that be believe you do. The Dow is up around 675 points, some 1.6%; ditto for the S&P. And the Nasdaq is currently up more than 2%.
Gold is higher, silver is up nearly 4%, copper is higher, oil is higher, the dollar is higher.
Everything is awesome right? Right?
Dissecting data like this week’s inflation report is part of the reason Nick Hodge and I decided to start a podcast — or as we call it, our weekly therapy session — some five years ago.
The idea was thoroughly researched, vetted, and analyzed (we had a beer and asked each other if we wanted to do a podcast) before we went live with our weekly podcast we call Bizarro World.
The podcast, at its core, is all about how Nick and I make our living, how we invest, and how we allocate capital, mixed with a dose of my rants on society and Nick’s insights on the Bizarro world we live in.
After 5 years, we’ve decided to step it up a notch. We’re launching a live, premium version of Bizarro World starting this Thursday. We record it live, you can watch it live, and we’re making it interactive.
Every week, along with our macro takes on the markets and our Bizarro banter, you’ll also be able to submit questions in advance that will be included in the weekly broadcast. In addition, there will be a weekly discussion of companies, themes, and ideas across our premium publications.
We’ll also be sprinkling in special guests from time to time.
The first premium episode happens live this Thursday, January 16 at 4PM EST. The introductory price is $99 per year, or less than $2.00 per episode.
You can see all the details here.
There will still be a free version of the podcast. It will be published the following Monday after the premium version is recorded, and it will be stripped of the Premium Portfolio Picks section.

Become a paid listener now with this introductory offer.
And be in the live audience for our 300th episode this Thursday!
Let’s get it!
Gerardo Del Real
Editor, Daily Profit Cycle